On this page you will find all the answers you may have as we go into the weekend.
Larry testing the NEW ES for CC-Protocols
More ES Testing from Larry
I made a very short silent video illustrating some of the points you and Larry have been emphasizing lately involving practice entering trades abiding by the rules. You may need to stop the video at a couple of place to read all the text.
I'm emphasizing a couple of things like the recovery capability of CCP and the profit potential of trading larger lots in your own larger account or a large combine.
End of Day
Pat F.
Hi scott – this is from 940a till 1220pm pacific time – just after you left the room. this was only taking 5 ticks with 2 contracts = $50 per trade – 15 trades and one for 1 contract for 8 ticks = $40 – I had to reboot and also reinstall ccp. But I did at least 17 trades before these trades – I had about 5 advanced trades and 3 b/e = 0.00. I sure hope I continue taking these trades and going live. Never in my life have I traded like this!! I also have $40,000-50,000 worth of “systems” that don’t talk to me the way ccp does. I did pretty well with double tail also simming with $1500-4000 per day also, but just overtrading really not as easy. Just thought you would like to see this trade performance as I really focused on this system and no PS stuff. See you soon.
Sally M.
Hi Scott I have attached a screen shot of my trades today 6 for 6 I included the 17 charts in the screen shot because in the bottom right hand corner is todays date just in case some does not think these are today's trades.