Double Tail – The Oil Money
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DT University

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Double Tail - Use 1


Double Tail - Permissioned Entry Bars

2nd Wave Trading

2nd Wave Trade 0.16.17

2nd Wave Trade 01.18.17

2nd Wave Trade 01.18.17

2nd Wave Trade 01.21.17

2nd Wave Trade 02.01.17

2nd Wave Trade 02.07.17

2nd Wave Trade 02.23.17

2nd Wave Trade 02.23.17 (second trade)

2nd Wave Trade 02.24.17

2nd Wave Trade 03.07.17

2nd Wave Trade 03.08.17

More Coming Soon!

2nd Wave Trade Examples

CL 03-17 5 TOMBars2


GC 04-17 5 TOMBars2


Pre and Post Trade Check-List

One of our members Taylor W. created this image that I found to be very useful especially for beginners to hone their discipline and make sure to not enter a trade until they have gone through their check list to make sure the market and chart conditions are optimal.

You can’t take every signal, every signal will not be a good trade. But if you take a signal that comports with your check list, almost every trade you take will be a winner. There are exceptions and there will be losing trades, what we are after is the HIGHEST PROBABILITY TRADES possible and that is what you get with Pivot-Scalper-2 especially when you incorporate this Traders Check List into your game.

Pilots have a Pre-Flight Check-List

Doctors have a Pre-Surgery Check-List

Race Car Drivers have a Pre-Race Check-List

Lawyers have a Pre-Trial Check-List

Now you have a Pre and Post Trade Check-List, USE IT…



This image shows two perfect Pivot-Scalper/Double-Tail entries. These kinds of signals will result in winning trades 99% of the time. If you are patient and wait for them, you will be a big winner.

If you chose to trade Double-Tail without a Pivot-Scalper Arrow, that’s cool to but make sure you are only entering on a Higher Pivot Low or a Lower Pivot High in an established trend and you will be good.​


Click to Enlarge

DT Settings

Combining Indicators?

Double Tail (DT) and Double Tail Template are to be applied to its own chart.

PIVOT SCALPER USERS: Do NOT combine Pivot Scalper to the same chart using Double Tail. You will see candles on top of candles - looking weird and confusing.

Chart Settings

The default settings for the Double Tail Template are designed to give you optimal results with your Pivot Scalper.

Step 1 : Open Chart Data Series Window

To apply / set your Template to a New Chart, open a new chart (Control Center >> File >> New >> Chart). A Data Series window will open. In this window, you usually select your Instrument and contract, please do that, and on the bottom right corner of the window you'll an option for a drop down menu labeled: Load The Following Chart Template. Click on that drop down menu and select DT PS (this is the Double Tail Template). Reference the image below to get a visual of this selection.

Click to Enlarge

To apply / set your Template to an already existing Chart you need to Right-Click on the chart to open a menu. From that menu go down to Templates >> Load and a small window will popup. It is in that popup window you will select DT PS (Double Tail Template) to be applied to your chart. See image below for reference.

Click to Enlarge

And that is it! It's a fairly simple process to add the DT template to a new and or an already existing chart.

DT Template Installation


Double Tail Template [Release Date: 07.27.16]

Download file contains the following DT Template Name: DT-PS-072716

Double Tail Template Installation

Installing the .xml file is different. Be sure that your NinjaTrader is not launched; if it is then close out your application. You will need to locate the .xml file in your computer in preparation to move it to its new location.

Click to Enlarge

Again be sure you locate the .xml first before moving onto the next step.

Once you've located your .xml file, take a moment to open another window and make your way to your NinjaTrader Templates. The system path will show: Documents > NinjaTrader 7 > Templates > Chart

Working between both windows, you will click and drag the .xml file from its location and place it into the folder labeled CHART within the Templates folder.

Click to Enlarge

And that is it! It's really that simple. Below is a video demonstrating the steps.

In the Settings process you will learn how to apply the new Double Tail Template to your charts.

Double Tail

Welcome to Double Tail for NT7!

At this point you should have already downloaded and install this product; along with have your machine ID activated for this product.  If you have NOT done any of that, you will need to stop and do those steps first. 

Double Tail for NT8? Click on NT8 DOWNLOAD & INSTALLATION Procedures within the Legacy Products menu within the footer below.
