Testimonials – The Oil Money



*Just wanted to make a shout out for you. (in other words - big thanks) For a fantastic event, I sat and watched from home, in fact it started 1am my time so i had to reset my body clock and stay up all night to be apart of it. :) Thanks for all the extraordinary effort you put into this .. You are different ! and do it all for the people. Please continue to be 'different' . Hope to meet you soon. All the best.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jacob L. The Oil Money - Member


*Chris is a great communicator. Speaks so even I can understand! His use of graphics should be a model for all instructors.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jim V. The Oil Money - Member


*I just wanted to tell you again how much I love your indicator... I've been doing really well trading crude with the boxes on the extremes of the channel. I was also wondering if you might have looked at changing the signals on the fast settings. Slowly for some reason the signals are starting to fire at the same times some days and if I move the ATR Multiplier closer toe 1.0 is seems a lot better. Also, loved the new Randy Video... we need more of these!! Good work Scott.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Tyler D. The Oil Money - Member


*How could any trading software do better than this? 55 ticks today!!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Sharon K. The Oil Money - Member


*I am so empress with Pivot Scalper! Tonight, 12 trades - !00% Total Net Profit $3590. Yesterday and today, 24 trades - 79.17% Total Net Profit $4370. 19 Winning Trades, 5 Losing Trades. I made a stupid mistake on one trade, didn't put in my stop, turned around and took my eye off the ball and the market went south on me. Stupid!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Craig E. The Oil Money - Member


*I would like to thank Scott for such great help and instruction with all of your program (TOW 3.0). For me your Integrity, your caring and consideration is very much appreciated.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

RJ L. The Oil Money - Member


*Hey Scott, Vegas was great! Good to finally meet you and Chris. When I got back east I started live trading for the first time using your products, WOW, made my daily goal using TOW3 in 9 minutes and called it a day! Fantastic experience, must say Dan was a HUGE help to me and his help and patience helping with platform setup was f***ing critical to my confidence. Look forward to growing with you guys. Luv ya man. Peace.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Rob The Oil Money - Member


*I just want to say…I’m really REALLY impressed! I grossed $1740.00 today!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Rob H. The Oil Money - Member


*You and Chris and your mature / sensible market money management approach will change my life. It already has made a major turn around the past month in a magical way! I thank both of you from the bottom of my heart!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Richard The Oil Money - Member


*I think you're doing a fantastic job with the TOW 3.0 and I love how you keep your cool when it comes to being patient and not forcing trades. Of course, It will be awesome if we have more days like the one where we make 3 huge scores.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Kevin C. The Oil Money - Member


*I am proud to announce that because of Pivot scalper and Double Tail I have received a $150,000 funded account with TopStepTrader. I can't thank you guys enough. Your training and your support have made a long time dream of mine come true. Pivot scalper and Double tail is all a trader needs. Thank you so much.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jason V. The Oil Money - Member


*I enjoyed the clinic very much. I have to tell you like several other traders, I have spent thousands of dollars learning to trade. By far this clinic has been the most enriching and clear to understand. You did an exceptional job and were extremely patient in making sure that we understood the trading strategies that were presenting TOW 3.0. Can’t wait to learn more from you and iTrader in future videos. Thank you for giving me the tools I need to become financially free!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Rhea Y. The Oil Money - Member


*Finally after 10 unsuccessful attempts I could reach my target combine account All thanks to the system PIVOT SCALPER/DOUBLE-TAIL simple and clear to operate with this system. If you follow the rules with this system you can reach the goals that you propose. Thank Scott Morris, For giving me the opportunity to share my experiences with the public.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Fernando V. The Oil Money - Member


*You guys are really dedicated--you must love your work-- you seem to be on your computer 24-7!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Pat F. The Oil Money - Member


*I wanted to say thank you for such a great opportunity to learn from all the people at Oil Money I’ve been a subscriber for 2 months now and have consistently seen my knowledge in trading growing more and more each week. I have finally gotten to the point in the last week that I have had 5 days of consistent profits in my demo account and I’ve seen my trading confidence grow with each day. I look forward to many more months of prosperous trading being a part of the Oil Money subscribers in 2012, God bless you!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Alphonso A. The Oil Money - Member


*This indicator of yours is quite the trick..I cant figure out if you are a genius or not but so far I have to say I like what I see… Your approach to going slow…and small ten tick targets is pretty interesting too!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Rick R. The Oil Money - Member


*Thanks for such a simple and great strategy. I've been really struggling trading/ scalping the ES and TF and have spent thousands on other courses with no luck. This is has been the first thing so far that has worked for me. Thank you for giving me hope!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Lilly H. The Oil Money - Member


*I want to say thanks for offering this service. I've been going through all the videos and practicing on SIM and Replay when I can. A lot of great information on here and I've only been with you guys for a few weeks. I'm probably like most your clients, I have a regular job and work like a dog most days. This hinders my ability to watch the market some days but I'm really enjoying the information and your "No Bullshit" approach to trading. Thanks again.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Cameron R. The Oil Money - Member


*I really appreciate all that you have been doing for the community. It really seems you guys want to see successful traders out of us! I’m part of the TOM team, an elite member and have your Oil Well (TOW 3.0) indicator (which kicks ass btw). Scott and the rest of The Oil Money staff are a Godsend! I’ve spent so much money on various indicators, expert advisors, strategies, and traders, it was like having a gambling problem. The Oil Wells (TOW 3.0) accuracy and potential made me actually use this indicator and do a couple weeks of practice, then just now a couple weeks of live trading. I made a lot of mistakes, but also made a lot of good trades, and managed to double my account! As for not being able to sleep….I had to try even natural trick in the book just to get a few hours last night. Please let me be a beta tester so my wife can see exactly what I’m so excited about! LOL! 

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Mike M. The Oil Money - Member


*Wow! Thank God for you Scott... Thank you sooooo much! I'm tearing up... This really means soo much. And thank you for all your support, all your programs, guidance, and patience! I've never had someone treat me with so much dignity before in relation to things like this. I won't forget it.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Hawshon R. The Oil Money - Member


*I made $220 this morning on four trades (30 70 50 70) on the CL and am calling it quits for today. Good too as I had brought my live account balance down to $1027. I have bounced off the mat and reentered the fight…Yahoo!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jay O. The Oil Money - Member


*Great present yesterday. Got a very early start this morning as I 've got other day constraints to attend to. Wanted to pass along that I've have completed 2 successful weeks of one trade winners including today. I've attached a screen shot, not of my early morning trade, but of a template that I wanted your opinion on. Scott....again, thank you. It seems the relaxed psychology of one trade days is what is making the difference in my win ratio. The discipline comes easy when eliminating the greed factor, which one a day does by virtue of the rule being only one a day. The pressure of trying to get my money back is greatly diminished, and honestly I believe that it will come back in the not to distant future anyway. But man what a change, so you are more than some slick dude on the inter-world trying to hoke- his-wears. You are much more of a man than that. Far deeper. So with all due respect Sir I say again.....THANK YOU.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Bill G. The Oil Money - Member


*Just wanted to say how awesome our group is. After taking the TOW 3.0 course I decided to be a trend trader, I had also noticed like Jerry to stick with the second wave of the trend. The only problem I was having was setting a comfortable exit point. I was seeing there where more ticks to be had, and then the email from Jerry Jumping the Gap. Awesome and it's dead on TY Jerry for your set of Eyes.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Alan P. The Oil Money - Member


*I was using the Winning Pivots yesterday on CL. Wow it’s amazing how well the prices turned or touched those areas.

Your products are great so far.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Todd T. The Oil Money - Member


*Scott you are right about the personal bio- feedback phraseology that we impose on ourselves for both benefit and detriment to our well being! I will be more conscious of these nuances spoken which do impact our subconscious and make a monumental difference in the outcome of our lives. I truly believe that I have an opportunity of a lifetime with Topstep and I shall tread gently toward daily success. Scott without your support I never would have known about Topstep or become involved with it to begin with. Thank you Sir Scott you "strapp'n lad." I truly believe that you always add an additional touch of the sun's warm and positive rays where ever you are. I wish people world over were like to you! I really do!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Scott L. The Oil Money - Member


*I'm employing the money management principles faithfully with great success. Today 'one and done', 2 to 3 seconds, $650 with 3-lot. Many thanks and will be seeing you soon..... high anticipation for the fully automated setup running while I do 1 or 2 discretionary moves. Can't say enough about it. Keep up the great work…Oil Well is the best software I have seen in 15 yrs of trading….hitting a home run with this baby :) Thank you for all your hard work! The Oil Well continues to impress me…..I am getting some very excellent results by taking only the signals that are in the same trend direction verified by the color of the bands…great addition!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Bill G. The Oil Money - Member


*Scott I can't say enough how this is positive influence on my trading. Have been waiting several yrs for a system that actually works.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Derek L. The Oil Money - Member


*Hi everyone. I haven’t participated in the chat in quite awhile. But I feel compelled to share my story with you. I was a poor trader before I got involved with Scott and Chris. I made plenty of mistakes even when I started because I was making incredibly stupid trades. I didn’t follow Chris’ plan and I lost plenty. I never got discouraged because it was my lack of discipline that did me in. Fast forward to today and I am doing very well. I am disciplined and I follow Chris’ money management rules. Thank you Scott and Chris you have helped me more than you will ever know. God bless America on our 240th anniversary this weekend. And cheers to everyone else around the world. Keep your head up and be disciplined.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Ray R.q The Oil Money - Member


*Thank you for being you Scott. You are a wonderful man and mentor. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't find you. I was going nowhere until you and Pivot Scalper came into my life.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Rich L. The Oil Money - Member


*So I'm sitting here just thinking about how my life has changed so much in the past few months and where my life is going. Until I became a member of the TOM, I was a 30 year old bartender, doing ok in life but i really had no direction about what I wanted to do with the next 40 years of my life…..Did I want to be that 50 year old guy serving jack and cokes at the end of the bar????…F*CK NO!!!!! But ever since I was 21, thats all I have known, the bar and restaurant business…..then I stumble onto this stupid little website called the The Oil Money and I'm thinking, “great, just another shmuck looking to get money out of me and not help me”….Lucky for me I took a leap of faith and join. Now here I am, 4 months later, with a way to make money at my disposal that many Ivy League graduates would be jealous of…..I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of the good people in life that actually cares about other people and their well being. I am so grateful and ALWAYS WILL BE….Thats why I want to do everything I can to be as helpful as i can to the group so they can have a life changing experience I had and continue to have….THANK YOU SCOTT, I MEAN THAT!!!!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Joe H. The Oil Money - Member


*Had a great time at the Vegas Live Trading Event! Awesome stuff to say the least. I want to attend the upcoming event as well. Love the energy!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Steven B. The Oil Money - Member


*Thanks Scott, yea, I really love the fact that I don’t have to watch each candle and can have my chart up on another screen so I can do other things and yet not miss out. I’ve found it to be so much more relaxing and enjoyable because it allows me to still be productive doing other things. Great indicator - keep up the good work Scott!!!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Bill M. The Oil Money - Member


*I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed beta testing PS3 with all of you. This was a great group of traders and how responsive Dan and Scott have been. I made money and am excited about using PS3 on more live trades.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Steve G. The Oil Money - Member


*TOMbars (TOW 3.O) changed my life the day I signed on with you. I hope that is not only one months of luck. You are animal who developed this system and had the love of God to share - one of the hardest things is to share. Thank you!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Pierre C. The Oil Money - Member


*Scott, thanks for what you have put together here in this course. I’ve learned exactly how I can make money every day which has eluded me in the past. I win some and lose some, but with this course, and the support of theoilmoney.com membership, it is a complete package to financial security. I took your advice and have specialized in a single scalp trade and I’ve never been happier. Before this I was all over the place trying to make something work and nothing did.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Chris L. The Oil Money - Member


*It took me a couple of weeks to get it, but now that I’ve got it I know I’ll never work again, LOL, this is fun and I make money every day. THIS ROCKS!!! Made 14 cents today, monday dec. 13th trading 2 contracts. That's $280.00. be patient, don't rush it, don't get greedy, don't gamble. know when enough is enough for the day. I could have taken another 20 to 40 cents, but I could also have given it back. I'm happy and learning a lot. 

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Sam A. The Oil Money - Member


*I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed and appreciated the live training session in Austin last week. The help that Chris provided in setting up the indicators was great. I very much appreciated that documentation followup documentation was provided so that we could go back and review on our own. The biggest benefit for me, however, was the time spent on money management. I can't wait to incorporate these ideas into my trading. 

I also wanted to thank you for giving us the training session that you promised. So often, 'training' classes like consist mainly of trying to 'upsell' the other products that I need to buy in order to really achieve the desired benefits. This class delivered as promised. In fact, providing us with the KSqueeze indicators is a huge plus for me.

By the way, I have made 3 trades this morning for: -1 tick, +11 ticks, and +9 ticks and have switched over to Sim trading to continue to practice.

My thanks to you, Chris, and Jaz for delivering as promised.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Mike H. The Oil Money - Member


*Thanks for everything. Not only have I learned a LOT with The Oil Money, but I'm retiring at 31...anyone that doesn't join is missing out on LIFE!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Lonnie H. The Oil Money - Member


*I received an email this morning from a company called Trading Advantage with a guy named Larry Levin. I clicked on the email and watched an eight minute video and then opted in with my info including phone number. It was not 30 minutes later that I received a phone call from a representative wanting to sell me a four week training course that would make me lots of money and call all my trades for me. Price tag: $5,000-$12,500. WOW!! And I can learn all the same information from The Oil Money program for $1.00. I just wanted to let you and all our members know what an incredible offer The Oil Money is. I paid $1.00 for it and have made thousands back at least. Thanks again to Scott!! "Live like no one else, so later you can live and GIVE like no one else"

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Bob R. The Oil Money - Member


*Nailed it on the first signal of the day!! Plus 34 ticks and done for the day!! Thank you, Scott and Chris!!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Rebecca B. The Oil Money - Member


*Today I started testing a new strategy that looks pretty promising using TOMBars 2 and the pivot scalper. I'm basically jumping in for two ticks on 5 CL contracts with my stop one tick above or below the previous candles close depending if I'm long or short. So far I'm up over 1.5K today and didn't even trade every signal. As a new customer, you and your staff have been excellent to work with. Looking forward to financial freedom off of a legitimate system. I understand that everything you do takes hard work and determination and I wasn't looking for a get rich quick scheme. I'm confident I've found what I've been looking for.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Paul H. J. The Oil Money - Member


*I recommend all subscribers to TOM to test drive the 7 day free trial. Once I was up an running, I was able to net about 60 ticks ($600 per contract) within my first week of demo trading. Yes there was a losing day, and a couple of days I didn’t take a trade. I don’t spend more than 3-4hrs per day either. Test the 7 day trial for $1 to see how this will work for you.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Charles V. The Oil Money - Member


*First of all I want to say thanks.

I just wanted to write some lines in order let you know how the training I did with Chris has impacted in my trading success.

As I told you in the chat I have been interested trading futures for the last 5 years, so that means I have done a lot of research in internet, reading some books, testing few software and system, etc...

One day I found a video in YouTube about The Oil Money so started to do some research in order to find out if it was worthy to test the indicators. A good review I found in the internet pushed me to test The Oil Money for just $1.

After the week trial I decided to sign up and test it for at least one month, I must recognized that in that month I did quite well trading Pivot Scalper.

Eventually I saw you were doing some live trading event but unfortunately I was not able to attend because of my work. That's when you introduced me to Chris and he accepted to do a one on one trading that was a complete changer for me.

Thanks to Chris training I just focus on his guideline and started from the beginning so decided to throw away all the useless information I had in my mind. After a while I managed to create a new habit as everyday I was doing the same.

With his training I felt that I was starting to understand much more about price action so I was able to recognize when was a good moment to get into the market.

At the same time, I was strict to his Money Management that I think is a BIG PLUS.

Although we focused most of the training on T3 set ups, all I learned from his one on one training, from all the videos posted and comments he makes in the chat ... helped me to be able to trade of the setups we find in The Oil Money.

So all I can say is that it was a big changer for me to find The Oil Money.

Today I have passed the 100k combined so I hope this is just the beginning of a long trading career.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

George G. The Oil Money - Member


*I would have said just like you have been saying cut the darn computer OFF!!!! My wife had to tell me. Did great some days but wouldn’t follow my rule or your guide lines and that is after some good trades and hitting a target goal. Cut The Computer Off!!! You cannot stress that enough to the group. Keep up the great work! P S —I sound like a trader in this email.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Irvin P. The Oil Money - Member


*Just to let you know, I watched the 4 hrs of free instructions from The Oil Money over the weekend and traded sim on Monday. Ended up $850.00 after 2 hrs. Tues I went live, but was cautious and made $140.00, Wed cleared $80.00 and Thurs $170.00. I have to go to my day job at 10:00 am central time and have only a couple hrs to trade the usually crazy open on the Cl. I knew the information was making a difference in my trades and confidence in making those trades. By Fri I purchased the full program to get all I could to improve my knowledge. I'm only on Day 2 as of now and am looking forward to the next week of learning. I appreciate the 1 year membership here as part of the purchase of the program. Have not been to the chat or really know what is available on this site yet. Thanks Scott for giving us all the opportunity to make a major change in our lives. I've had my account for 3 or 4 months but have not been able to be truly profitable consistently. I'm looking forward to financial freedom in My life. Thanks Again.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jim G. The Oil Money - Member


*Traded it live today by the book…scalped early in the day and after I had a good cushion took one last trade and allowed it to surf. Up $1,070.00 on the CL using 1 lot. I can’t wait to get my hands on the Pivot Scalper. This program might just be the fix to my inconsistent trading behavior.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Scott P. The Oil Money - Member


*4 years!!? Scott, you're one of the few folks I know who can say it like it really is - no BS. I wasted 5 years in college! Lots of college $$debt too once I was out - what a waste. Discovered futures trading while in college in 1990 but never successful with it. Didn't have a computer with charts then either (had to actually call a broker on the phone - impossible to day trade) so times have changed for the better. Thanks for everything.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Lance W. The Oil Money - Member


*Amazing 1st day with Pivot Scalper and KSTRAT3...over 800! AMAZING IT WORKS!!!! Thanks again for everything Scott.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Bob M. The Oil Money - Member


*Hi Scott, my name is Chad. I joined your The Oil Money a few weeks ago and am so excited. I’ve watched the videos and have sim traded a few times now with success. I like how you always touch on being disciplined and not greedy. Those are so important. I am very happy what I have learned in the few weeks as a member and look forward to learning so much more. I’m very pleased the way you have The Oil Money running, this is the best and realest thing I have taken on in the years that I have been trying. Thanks so much.

Well, life is SO much different than sim trading. I guess the only real difference is the emotion. It's was way harder to pull the trigger. I didn't sleep much, I woke up 5:30 my time so I made some hot tea and got on. I put in a few sim trades first because pulling the trigger for real was tough. I finally traded for real though, @ 7:16 and got 3 tics. THAT WAS A RUSH MAN! The only thing I can compare the feeling to is being in a big hand for chips. I continued to just sit here and watch the market for a short period, and was content with my win, and then just shut it down. I can't thank you enough for your insight and support over the past few months and look forward to continuing to learn. I am very grateful and pleased to have met you brotha man. Talk to you soon.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Chad G. The Oil Money - Member


*Taken a few trades over our lunch time as been out of the office all morning.  I go for 10 ticks and bail out sometimes. 6 trades all winners 49 ticks. Not bad for a lunch break.  I will have to do this on a more consistent basis but not easy when you run a business.  Also trade 2 contracts and use a runner.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Edward G. The Oil Money - Member


*Thanks for TOW 3.0. This is a lifestyle that I can get use to. In it for the long haul.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jan M. The Oil Money - Member


*Paper traded T.O.W 3 Monday morning and it doesn’t get any better than that. Very precise indicator.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jason H. The Oil Money - Member


*I have been watching the Oil Well on a demo account for 3 days and finally was around to hear the 'cha ching' and see a box pop up. I was able to get into a trade early and within 90 seconds the order was fill - $100 profit. Even though it was 'Monopoly money' right now - wow!!! This brought up a question though... I got in when the box was green and the yellow arrow had just appeared. Since it went so quick, and as you can see on this chart, the action went back down into the box after about 10 minutes and again at the end of the box - which bring us to the question: if the action re-enters the box, would you enter into a second trade? Both would have made 10 ticks.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Darin D. The Oil Money - Member


*I wanted to thank you again for the great TOW 3.0! When I have the patience and read the indicators properly, my trades work. This morning I started out 9 ticks down due to the fact that I thought I saw something, but didn’t verify with other charts. At the end of the call I was able to make a gap close on the CL and am now 9 ticks ahead. I feel confident that if I follow your strategies I will get rid of the hit and miss that I have been experiencing. I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy TOW 3.0. I've learned more with The Oil Money than I have in the last 6 months taking multiple “training” seminars from others. Scott is very patient and is very good at listening and explaining TOW 3.0. He also is very clear about wanting to help others succeed at trading. I have a new found excitement about trading and the future looks good. Thank you very much for the opportunity to learn from the best.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

James B. The Oil Money - Member


*After trying The Oil Money for 7 days…all I can say is WOW!….I’m in!!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

William D. The Oil Money - Member


*First thanks for extending my trial period as i was having technical problems that Chris and your programmer was able to fix. Today is the second day that i have been able to trade with the new system. Ive made over 40 ticks with it and only trade between 9-12. Needless to say I’m in. Much thanks for the system and the great tech support. Chris was pleasure to work with and your programmer spotted the problem in a few minutes. It seems that there was a mix up with my activation code. Anyway just wanted to say thanks for a great system, i look forward to a successful future.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jeff M. The Oil Money - Member


*Tell Scott he needs to change the name from The Oil Money to The money Maker!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Tom R. The Oil Money - Member


*One and done. 1 contract on the TF. 82 ticks. Amazing!!! I love you!! This thing is f**king great. $240 today so far and playing by the rules.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Ted S. The Oil Money - Member


*[9/12/15, 7:55:48 AM] ron covin: Scott Jaz is always a big help. She has a lot of patience, listens to the Nuances of your problem, knows how to 

[9/12/15, 8:48:33 AM] ron covin: Research solutions to your problem. We are testing a solution to my not receiving The Oil Money email. Jaz helped me with better understanding Skype and general computer procedures. Jaz, as you well know, is a great asset to your organization. I really appreciate her taking the time to help me. I really appreciate your taking the time to reply to my Skype message. Jaz spent two hours helping me. That is really a testimonial to your word about reading every email and going the extra mile to helping someone. I guess there's a message in all this about my ignorance and maybe ineptitude however just having the opportunity to work with yourself and Jaz give me the inspiration and to work on and improve my weaknesses. I Learn something about myself, computers and your trading systems and philosophy each time I have the opportunity to experience your influences. My many ways of showing my appreciation is just a small token of how much I appreciate my association with you and your staff. Thanks again Scott. And also much thanks to Jaz. TTUL

[9/12/15, 8:52:47 AM] ron covin: The missing word in this dialogue is "incentive". Thanks again for EVERYTHING.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Ron C. The Oil Money - Member


*A quick little story before I get to my question.... I got up at 5:00 am eastern time this morning and made a great cup of coffee, checked my emails then turned on my chart. I never trade in off hours, but I still turn my charts on to see how things are reacting..... So I start doing a couple of morning chores that I do every day. As I'm busy doing things I happen to walk by my computer and notice that on my 6E chart has a perfect setup for the "TOW 3.0 strategy", so I say what the hell and place a 4 tick trade....all my indicators are pointing in the right direction, so I feel really good about this trade even though its way before my regular trading time... Bingo. I made a quick $200.00 and I'm not even done with my first cup of coffee! I will do just one more trade today then I think I'll take my pontoon boat down the Connecticut river and do some winter Pike fishing as I watch rush hour traffic go by....My Oh My!! Thanks for all you guys do!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jerry E. The Oil Money - Member


*Scott, you always have something new and informative. My account size is very small (2000.00) so I'm working with currencies and only taking the best futures trades. Still taking one step forward one step backwards. I'm thinking of taking a position trade for a few months or weeks and your teaching on fridays really help. You're wonderful, keep up the great job of teaching. God bless.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Paul B. The Oil Money - Member


*Your educational videos are astounding.  I've learned more in a handful of days watching all you have put together and then today in the university than I have in the past few years of learning to trade.  Well done.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jody D. The Oil Money - Member


*Scott thanx the code worked for me . I really appreciate it. I'm using both indicators Mr Scott and you don't know what a good monster you have created here. I have traded with you off and on for almost 2yrs , this is as close to good trades everyday as I have come. I’ll document some trades and will share it with you. I don't have millions of tongues to say THANK YOU Mr Scott!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Chris B. The Oil Money - Member


*Hi All, This is Ray's brother Jerry. I have to say he is absolutely right. Not sure if pig headedness runs in the family but we have gone through this journey together, both bad and now good. I have known Scott for a while and when he says he cares about each of you, he genuinely means it. I have to say that by pouring over and over the videos and following 100% to what Scott and Chris say, you will be successful. Don't let your mind tell you that you can tweak it, it won't work nearly as well. I am living proof. The trades are ripe for the picking if you are patient, watch the money management and most importantly follow the plan. My hope is that each person sticks with the plan and sees their life change. It can come true. Thanks Scott and Chris.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Jerry R. The Oil Money - Member


*I'm selling my house and in about 2 months I will have some capital to finally go live and start trading - I would like to have a managed account with you to use it as a hedge against my own trades - I'm very very excited , I have been trading since 2009 and I thank God every day that I found your web site - after spending thousands of dollars on worthless systems I finally found something that works for me ! You are my lifetime HERO - I'm also currently working on my Series 3 Exam since trading is all I ever wanted to do. This is the best thing I ever did in my life - the course is awesome !

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Sebastian K. The Oil Money - Member


*I just wanted to tell you again how much I love your indicator... I've been doing really well trading crude with the boxes on the extremes of the channel. I was also wondering if you might have looked at changing the signals on the fast settings. Slowly for some reason the signals are starting to fire at the same times some days and if I move the ATR Multiplier closer toe 1.0 is seems a lot better. Also, loved the new Randy Video... we need more of these!! Good work Scott.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Tyler D. The Oil Money - Member


*I just wanted to tell I have decided to trade one of your strategies going for 2 tick target with a 4 tick stop on 5 contracts on the ES but with one change. Since I’m only going for 2 ticks I decided to use a 500 tick chart instead of a 1000 tick. My goal is to make $500 dollars within 2 hours trading from 630am until 830am pacific time. So far after a week I have won 100% of my trades on this 2 tick strategy. I’m not one to try to get the whole swing move as i just want to get in and out. I know now that scalping is best for me and The Oil Money system has given me 100% confidence with hardly no stress anymore, thank you!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

David J. The Oil Money - Member


*Remember Ted's 83 tick trade from the other day? Well, Kim took that same trade. As you can see, she go out early, but still snagged enough ticks to make it a good day with some nice, safe profits. Don't quit, make this the last trading system you try and buy. Let Pivot-Scalper fulfill the promise for you.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Kim L. The Oil Money - Member


*I have had all GREEN days since coming back from Austin!!! Loving it!! Really have been paying attention to each day getting my price per contract. I am not trading to many contracts 4-5 right now till I get my hands around it all.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Ken C. The Oil Money - Member


*Your analysis of me trying to rush the third trade was right on. I hit for 3 ticks, then 2 ticks (got out early due to wavering close to pivot point) then waited over an hour until a new fist/Mac daddy cross later developed and hit a quick 3. Ended up at 100 even for the morning. Will keep testing, after 5 for 5 days i will step up to 2 contracts. Thanks Again!

What a fantastic product: TOW 3.0. I was literally at ground zero knowing what all those indicators meant, let alone how to use them. I was seriously concerned starting out that i would get lost and fall behind. In that short time, before I even realized it I am now confident at understanding how these indicators work and how to use them to reasonably predict where the market should go. It really is amazing how quickly the emotional part becomes your weakest link not the technical part. Thanks again. I look forward to promoting this program in my course(and outside as well).

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Mark H. The Oil Money - Member


*DT has improved my trading by factor of 90 ( 9 out of 10 trades successful ). I can only trade one day a week, ( my day off, I am near retirement ) Am only trading the YM and NQ at this point.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Clint U. The Oil Money - Member


*I downloaded kstrat1 v3 yesterday and hit target real quick. this morning I turned it on around 807 and hit two winning trades and hit target. so in two days made almost 4% on my account. needless to say I quit once goal was made. The most difficult part "for me" is quitting while winning but having done this for some time I've had those days where I was way up and continued and finished down.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Ric W. The Oil Money - Member


*Hi Scott just want to let you know the live-streaming event was very informative and very glad you did it. I hope you offer a few videos on the new indicator the momentum indicator for some clarification. Also Scott on one of your webinars a while back, someone mentioned about having the oppurtunity to connect with DT users in each of our areas for more support, have you given this any more thought.

Again great event.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Paul I. The Oil Money - Member


*I have to admit I just love your program. It is so simple and appealing,and it's beginning to dawn on me that this just might work. If I work the program works. I love your philosophy. If I wanted to spend 8-10 hours a day in front of a computerscreen, I'd be better off going back to being a fulltime M.D.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Nils F. The Oil Money - Member


*I was trading the 7-TomBar, so did not catch that trade, but did do the following: 1. Long, -10 2. Long, +14 3. Short +20 4. Long +14

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Albert C. The Oil Money - Member


*Hi Scott. As I told you that after my first month with you. I have been involved with probably hundreds of offline and online financial and money making opportunities and none can hold a candle to the value you provide to the beginning [or seasoned] trader. Actually, I have spent $2,000-$4,000 with 4 separate individuals, including one [Todd Mitchell] who lived with me for a week during my training 20 years ago when I was trying to learn to trade the S&P with TradeStation. The simplicity and consistency of your TOW 3.0 has been more confidence inspiring and helpful than anything I have spent time and money on in the past.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Dr. Tom R. The Oil Money - Member


*Awesome man! Living my purpose and loving my life. Its amazing how a matter of 9 or 10 months can change someone's entire existence. But thats exactly what you have done for me. Once again man, I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH...Not just for the actual trading training but just to open my eyes to a different way of looking at life. You're the best buddy, can't wait to actually spend some time in person with you, bullshitting. I have been SIM trading the gap close on the 10 minute chart. It is so unbelievably reliable its crazy. Now you know i only go for 4 ticks a day. I have just been playing around and getting 10 ticks with my eyes closed. There was a good 40 ticks between the 13 and the current price. Popped in a trade and got 20 ticks. Something you might want to share with the group. Sometimes trading on the higher minute charts is easier for people.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Joe C. The Oil Money - Member


*A huge THANK YOU to Scott. And share some recent success in my trading by using the strategies that I have learned from being a member of The Oil Money and by taking advantage of The Oil Well 3.0 Course. I started the month of December 2011 with an account balance of $788.73. My account balance today, December 29, 2011 is $1,947.22. That is a whopping, incredible, absolutely awesome GAIN of 147%. I could not have done this without you guys. My new name is Bobby "3 tick" Knight. Someone once asked, "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer, of course is "One bite at a time". This recent success has changed my life. Thanks again.

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Bobby K. The Oil Money - Member


*Final one for today. Just happened on DX - 90 Ticks. It's the last of the night but it's still running - CL 186 Ticks so far!!!

* Each persons experience is different. This testimonial is from an individual articulating their own personal experience. Your experience may be different.

Steve B. The Oil Money - Member